Where in the world is the Gedung Kuning Book? - Part 2

The book has travelled to the Land of the Midnight Sun!
Magnus Harsem bought the book online from Norway.

His posting on 'Gedung Kuning Book @ Facebook':
Hi to all... and greetings from the Land of the Midnight Sun. I loved Hidayah's book... all the short stories were recounted with love and a vivid memory and I am sure lots of interviews with loved ones.. I have been asked which was my fav. story.. and well it is a tough question, as they all convey to me an image, a story of a family spawning ...a few generations, they all add up the whole...a dynasty... I want to visit Gedung Kuning and ask if i may and if in season - share a mango with a friend, under the mango tree. Keep writing Hidayah and keep your reading fans... happy la.. ;-) warm regards from Norway


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