A Journey of Giving: The LBKM Story

'A Journey of A Journey of Giving: The LBKM Story' book (written by yours truly) was launched by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on 22 January 2016 at the Mandarin Orchard. 

My team at Archipelago Consultancy was commissioned to publish this book for LBKM. It was a honour to write this book because LBKM has helped more than 25,000 students (including me) from 1965.

About the book: Lembaga Biasiswa Kenangan Maulud (Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday Memorial Scholarship Fund Board) or LBKM began its humble journey of giving bursaries to students in post-independence Singapore. Five decades on, LBKM has earned recognition as a reputable charity, disbursing the largest amount of bursaries to Singaporeans, regardless of their ethnicities and religious beliefs. The LBKM Story is one borne out of sheer passion and perseverance. It represents the collective effort of ordinary people who believe in the power of knowledge, and that learning and educational pursuits should be made accessible to one and all, independent of one’s financial background.

This is A Journey of Giving, but not without its share of trials and tribulations. LBKM has been steadily growing alongside a maturing Singapore. It has endured a long journey, successfully helping many along the way. Like Singapore, the LBKM Story continues with the hope that it will make a difference in the lives of many more beneficiaries to come, including their families. This book not only chronicles LBKM’s history, but also celebrates the triumph of the human spirit; one that believes in kindness and empowerment through helping others gain precious knowledge.


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