"... we can proudly tell the world that you were our student."

Since King Charles's coronation is happening this Saturday, our alma mater, Cambridge, shared a photograph of former Prince of Wales’ arrival at Cambridge in 1967.

During Matriculation, all freshers are required to do three things: don a gown for the Matriculation, fill in the Admissions Book (using a fountain pen), and be photographed for the record. I can't remember if we had individual photographs taken like King Charles (he attended Trinity, my first college of choice) but we at Newnham took a year-group photograph in our gowns.
Before the signing, I remember what was said: "We would like you to sign in the Admission Book (which will be kept for posterity) so that when you win a Nobel Prize, we can proudly tell the world that you were our student." That speech made me feel welcomed and embraced by Cambridge; and that I too can achieve many great things, God willing.

ps. I wore a wine red embroidered kebaya top during signing; as well as kebaya with songket sarong during the college photography session. Minah belajar kat Cambridge wei.

Credit: University of Cambridge


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