Schizoprehnic Weather

A tornado hit Brooklyn on Wednesday, Aug 8. It flooded again in Queens. Some neighbours' basements were filled with water, damaging all their things. The trains didn't run. The buses were slow and overcrowded with frustrated commuters. Cars were swept by the waist high flood across Utopia Parkway. I stood drenched by the roadside praying hard that my X-wing fighter would resist the flood from destroying the engine. A yellow school bus and some cars were stranded horizontally across the road causing massive jams. Who would have thought that the angry flood and rain would suddenly allow the scorching sun to take over, leaving us dazed and confused and feeling schizoprehnic ourselves.

It is summer and the weather here is supposed to be hot and unbearable. But it was so windy and cold in Manhattan. Bbrrr... even my rugby polo couldn't protect me from the sudden gush of wind. The hot Miso soup I had for lunch didn't warm me up and I was feeling cold in été! Oh God, what is happening to the climate? Are we being punished for our sins towards mother earth?

How timely it is for the UN to have a world conference on Climate Change in September -
Let's listen to the ailing earth crying out its woes. Let's do something about it before it's too late...


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