Here's to many more mugs!

Just when I was about to pick up those broken pieces, I received another email from Cambridge. Oh my God... (*uttered in the same tone as Angela did when she saw Bella with Edward in Twilight). There's a new Cambridge girl in town! :) So, it'll be MPhil first; and then PhD. I'm sure it'll be worth all that punting! 

Of course, my brother Hadi asked me if it's medicine I'll be studying at Cambridge...
Well, come October, I hope to buy more of those mugs which my mother said I could...
But how about the funding for Cambridge? Argghhh....

Cambridge's Motto: Hinc lucem et pocula sacra (From this place, we gain enlightenment and precious knowledge)


Ibrahim said…
cheers to the new Cambridge girl, with one of those Cambridge mugs *grin*
Que Sera Sera said…

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