대박! Daebak!

I spent the whole Sunday afternoon searching the internet for the email of South Korean scriptwriter Kim Eun-sook (and I still can't find it). She is the brain behind smash-hit K-dramas 'Goblin/Guardian; The Lonely and Great God', 'Descendants of the Sun' and 'Mr Sunshine'. I would like to learn the craft of storytelling from her. I strongly believe that Suria, the Malay language TV channel in Singapore should send their scriptwriters to learn from the Koreans on how to develop dramas that are so good that they have gained massive international audience. The state of Malay dramas in Singapore is pathetic and shameful. I think I can write better scripts than those scriptwriters behind Suria's cringy dramas. Bleah.

헐~~ Hull! OMG!

I was doing some spring cleaning and came across inex magazine (2013, vol 20) where my first book 'Gedung Kuning; Memories of a Malay Childhood' was featured. I had forgotten about that interview done by a South Korean writer. I think that this article is my first article published by a non-English and non-Malay media channel in Singapore and overseas. Who would have thought... Anyway, I remember asking my Korean friend whom I had met at the United Nations to help me translate the article (not sure if I ever got the translated text from her). 

대박! Daebak! Woah!

Is this a sign? So surreal, given my 'late-bloomer' interest in the Korean wave.

The imaginative me wishes that Gong Yoo (Gong Ji-cheol) 공유 would somehow get hold of the article and just maybe, he could get in touch with me. After all, the story of Gedung Kuning (Yellow Mansion) is fascinating, no? To have a cup of tea with General Kim Shin would be a dream come true. Plus of course, to learn from Kim Eun-sook is this writer's wish too.


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