Next station...

I find train stations fascinating. The buzz. The cacophony of sounds. The hurried patter of steps. The smell of coffee waffling through the air. The whispers of lovers in embrace. The sound of train pulling away and rolling in. There is a certain romanticism in the air. I remember watching 'The Perfect Score' where a group of students (led by Chris Evans) broke into an office to steal answers to the SAT exam. At the end of the film, Chris Evans took the train from Grand Central Station in New York City and the girl he liked who was involved in the 'heist' had also taken the same train. And the rest of the story is left to the audience's imagination.

I too had my fair share of train adventures in America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Some memorable, some chaotic. Train stations remind me of our journeys in life. We have a destination to go to. We make preparations for our trip. Sometimes, our journey takes an unexpected detour and delays. Sometimes, we need to stop at certain stations for whatever reasons--to take a break, to solve a problem, to meet others. We all are but commuters in life's grand journey.

Like Chris Evans, I too met that friend. But unlike the movies, my friend left the station two days ago without even saying goodbye. It was as if our paths had never crossed...

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One of film endings which ended in the airport is 'Wicker Park'. The scene is especially touching because the couple was separated by betrayal, time and new life; and yet they found each other again. Makes one believe in destiny again.


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