Archives: My K-Drama List

It was my birthday on 28 July. I wanted to do something adventurous to 'celebrate' the occasion. So at the stroke of midnight, I penned a letter to my first 짝사랑. To show that I am not a 20-something year old stalker, I even attached my inex magazine article. Seize the moment, n'est pas? What do I hope to achieve from this midnight madness? Of course, it would be nice to hear back from oppa. I bet he receives hundreds of letters. And why would he reply to this stranger whose imagination runs wild with the wind? Alas, my little crazy action shows that I still have some passion and hope in me. Not too bad for a jaded someone who has yet to achieve some of her dreams...

Talking about dreams and hot oppas, I'm going to put my K-drama lists (and K-drama mentions) here for easy access:
My K-Drama List (2025) -- Part 1
My K-Drama List (2024) -- Part 9
My K-Drama List (2024) -- Part 8
My K-Drama List (2024) -- Part 7

Thirsty tweets for The Devil Judge (I've included mine). Hot damn Judge Kang Yo-Han, you're slowly overtaking my 짝사랑.


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